Yes, there is a field called Financial Therapy

Yes, there is a field called Financial Therapy
by Mara Liz, Founder & Financial Coach

And it has nothing to do with crunching numbers…

If money was your lover, how would you describe your relationship with it? Chaotic, under control, love-and-hate?

You may not have thought about it like this, but we all have a relationship with money.

The problem is that it is largely unconscious and it drives our money behaviors.

We used to hunt for food. Now we hunt for money. Just as the absence of food triggers fears and anxieties, money does too.

There is a field called Financial Therapy/Money Coaching and I want to tell you about it.

  • It is not about how much money you have
  • It is not about crunching numbers
  • It is not about having a great financial plan

It is about understanding why you handle money the way you do and why it triggers you the way it does.

Money Coaching

Money Coaching is a modality of Financial Therapy.

It helps people understand and become more present to their patterns and behaviors around money.

It follows a step-by-step process that provides you with a complete map and understanding of your unconscious money patterning.

You learn how you are hardwired around money, how these patterns manifest in your life, how they are impacting you, and which present the most challenges.

With this new understanding and awareness in place, you can then move beyond your unconscious “operating system” and build a new, healthy, conscious and empowered relationship with money.

About Money Coaches

Our intention as Money Coaches is to help transform the individual and the collective consciousness around money through education, awareness, and empowerment.

We facilitate this through one-on-one coaching, couples coaching, workshops, and talks.

If you want to learn more about Money Coaching and how it can serve you, your relationship and/or your organization, you can schedule a complimentary 20-minutes consultation here.

P.S. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” ~ Carl Jung